Loves: Spending Money
Hates: Not Maids
Now: Still in break!
It's time for an update! Keeping up with tradition, this one is a day late!
Site updates : A lot changed this week! Wait... No new banners?? I didn't have anytime to do any, still am running low on stock, I'll try to add new ones for the next update! (oh, also, banners have been fixed on mobile, they display properly now.)
So what else changed? As you can see on the side (or top on mobile), I added a button if you want to link my website on your own! And also links to cool people's sites! Go check em out!!
I also added a guestbook at the bottom of the page! Feel free to leave your mark on this site forever! It's already chaos in here, lmao
Now for the bigger stuff! I've added a lot to the My Stuff page! A tutorial and a full on art gallery! The gallery needs some tweaking, but it still looks good for now! Give it a look!
That's it for the site updates! Thanks for reading again! Once again, stay here if you want to hear rambling!
Life updates : Ahhh, it's still break, boring and stressful because you know you're supposed to work but you're not going to because it's a break so it just keeps adding up.
On another note, today is my good friend Pudding's birthday! Go give them some love on their site! (By clicking the button on the left, ehe). I spent a bit of the week drawing a little comic for him, which you can check out on his site too!
What else what else, hmm... I started playing Void Terrarium again, a dungeon crawler akin Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. It's another one of NIS's great games, I suck at it, but I like it a whole lot!
Apart from that, I've been trying to draw in different and better styles, I went on my first date ever, which was amazing, so I guess it's been good? As I said last time, hopefully it continues like this.
I won't say much because I want you to experience it yourself, but, per request, this week I'm reviewing Ponkotsu Ponko!
A very cute slice of life, but the main character is a robot! And a maid! You couldn't ask for better!
The story follows an old robot that was assigned with taking care of an old man. But, she messes up a lot of what she does, she's practically useless!
It follows your basic slice of life shenanigans, but it always has a fun and original twist to it. The story is very heartfelt and doesn't hesitate to pull on your heart strings from time to time. It also has its mysteries, making you want to know why some stuff happened, which is very good to keep you reading! The side characters are all very lovable too, and each have their development going on in the background. The world feels very well put together, it's like you're actually part of them and watching them grow! The art and background work is also amazing, Keita Yatera did an extremely good job on them.
TLDR, It's a good twist on the slice of life genre, with a good setting and characters that make you feel right at home! I give it a good 9 out of 10, but probably out of spite because I feel like it ended too soon, like a lot of things I read.
Ponkotsu Ponko doesnt have an official English TL, but it's Scanlation was finished this week! So go give it a read on Mangadex!
That's it for today! Thanks for reading again! I wrote this entire update with the animal crossing sounds browser extension, which was very funny. I'll see you in 10 days, hopefully!
Stay Happy!