Loves: You
Hates: French class
Now: Melting
A new update? And on time for once? Without lying??? Who would have thought...
Site updates : Still no new banners! But this time because I was lazy to add any... 154 will be the final number for a bit until I get motivation to add more.
I made additions the Updates page again, as you can probably see! I think this is my favorite page now, it looks very cool and has that nice neocity vibe.
The way this page is made kind of has problems on lower resolution screens, but you can just zoom out to make everything appear! I don't really know how to fix that, but I'll try to figure it out later, maybe (probably not)
Oh also, it doesnt work on some browsers, but the font should be changed here! Let me know if it works!
I think that's it for the updates? I didn't take notes, not as smart as some other people doing updates on the exact same day as me by obviously complete coincidence.
Soo, sorry if you were expecting more, but thanks for reading!
Life updates : School started back again! Isn't that nice? No, it's not. Had a mock exam on the SECOND day of school, hopefully I did well, doubt it.
Speaking of classes, I managed to get an 8.5/10 by explaining a text I never even read before lol, I basically went full ad-lib, teacher even said we could tell I worked well at home on the text (Which I, absolutely didn't.)
But the best part about being at school is when classes aren't going on, I've just been feeling better and better thanks to a certain someone. A lot of new stuff has been going on and it just couldn't be more amazing, ehe.
I've been playing a lot of this game called Void Terrarium, as I said last time! I actually finished it this time, so expect a review next time! (Not now, as I don't want to spoil a friend). But in the meantime, check out my Terrarium!
And it's Ryushika Rysuhika! I've had the first 4 volumes of this manga for a long while now, and was trying to find them online in English, but couldn't find anything! That's because this manga is called "Lucika Lucika" here in France, but the scanlation team decided to go with the Japanese romaji spelling, which makes more sense now that I think about it, lol.
That's it for today! Thanks for reading again and again! I don't really know what I'll add next time, but stay tuned, and...
Stay Happy!