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Cool people!

Name: Miya
Loves: Someone
Hates: Still Sea Food
Date: 15/04/2023
Now: In break! Finally!

Another update a bit more than a week after the previous? No way???

Site updates : I'm gonna try to be on a schedule for updates! Everytime the date ends by 5, there should be a new one! (don't tell anyone I'm actually writing this on the 16th)

A new update means... New banners! I added 57 this time! I'm starting to run dry on images, but I'm gonna try to find some new ones before the next update!

Writing is going fairly alright, though it's a bit hard to write a bad love story (a bad romance?) and to make it actually compelling to read. I'll try me best to actually release something good, but no promises. On another note, I'll try to finalize my character designs! After like a year, yup! Finally lol

I kind of want to setup a guestbook too, but I don't really know where it'd fit on my site? Maybe I'll just put it directly on the main page, I dont want to add another button everywhere.

Post update update: I'm dumb and decided to update the site on the day of the status update so here it is: The Update page (the one you're one right now), actually looks good on mobile now! Isn't that awesome? The text on these pages is justified now too, so that it actually looks good!

That's it for the site updates! Thanks for reading! But stay here if you want to hear rambling!

Life updates : As you can read up there, I'm in spring break! Finally no school for a bit, though that means finals are fast approaching, and that's scary. I'll have to study a lot, but will I actually? who knows...
Since yesterday was the last day before the break, it was so hectic, like a good friend said, it's like I experienced 50 days in one. We ate breakfast in history class, PE was even crazier than usual, the fire alarm went off, and a lot of other very happy stuff! (If you know you know, ehe)

Life has been going very great lately, it still has a lot of downs, but I know I'll be able to make it through with all of you, especially you there (c'mon, you know yourself), so thanks a lot! I hope it'll continue to be like this for a while.

The totally not bad idea of drawing 100 characters is still on the board, I've made a tiny tiny bit of progress, but I swear it'll be done by the end of the year! That's a big margin yeah, but at least it'll be done! Maybe! Hopefully!

Told you I'd make reviews, so here's this week's!

I watched the Super Mario Bros. Movie on Wednesday, and it was in some ways better but also worse than I expected. First of all something that blew me away is the score, the music in this movie is like, amazing if you're a Mario fan, though sometimes I wish it'd go a bit further than just leitmotifs, but it's still way better than anything I could have hoped. (Take a note from this one Paramount, please) And of course, Bowser's song was amazing. The story was simple, it's a kids film alright, but it still was entertaining, but maybe a bit too fast paced? Like at some point they just end up in a Fire Flower field, and nothing is explained apart from like "Oh they were on a journey and ended up here", would have been better if we'd have seen this journey. But apart from that, it's nice a fun, got a few chuckles out of me. The references in the music were already amazing, but the visual references MAN, so many to so many Nintendo franchises, I remember seeing a Pikmin statue somewhere, a shop with Diskun, yup DISKUN, the Famicom mascot! It was a such treat, every second I'd notice something new to gush over.

I watched it in French, so no Chris Pratt from me, but the French dub was actually surprisingly good. They ditched star talents to get VAs from the cartoon or movie spheres, I couldn't have asked for better. No one's gonna know these, but I loved hearing Donald Reignoux as Kamek and Emmanuel Garijo as Toad, those two are so amazing and made my childhood.

TLDR : Good movie, maybe a bit too much fast paced, a treat for the eyes and the ears, I give it an 8 mushrooms out of 10.

That's it for today! Thanks for reading, it was very fun writing this, I loved it!
Stay Happy!

This update's song is Your Love is a Drug by Garoad and Insaneintherain
*Kira*! Miki! *Kira*! Miki! This song is basically an insert song from the character of Kira Miki in VA-11 HALL-A, a very amazing and chill VN, you should give it a try! I chose it because once again, very relatable to me right now, and it fits the game's atmosphere a lot, so give it a listen!

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