Loves: Forever
Hates: Teeth
Now: Puking blood
IIIIIIIt's update time! And on time this time!
Site updates : Still nothing! Well, nothing yet.
I've been working on a lot of things behind the scenes, hopefully I can release them soon. We'll have a Manga shelf (it'll have a button, but for now you can access it here !), and a section for me to do video game reviews. Hopefully I actually do them!
The update page has been changed a bit, again. It shouldn't have problems on lower resolution screens, again.
And guess what... New banners!! Finally! I've added 13 this time! After so long..
That's it for updates! Not a lot, but important work! Stay here for rambling, as always!
Life updates : I just got my wisdom teeth removed, like, an hour ago. I'm basically puking blood everywhere but it's a good cause, maybe. I won't be able to go to school for a few days because of this, goodbye perfect attendance... For once I'm happy going to school because of my amazing cute girlfriend, but that's the ONLY time I can't go without skipping by "accidentally" missing the bus.
Apart from that, it's been fine, I'm going to an anime convention this week, and I bought some new manga and video games in anticipation for my own birthday that's next week.
Speaking of games, it's that time of the year where I just spend my days playing Sonic Robo Blast 2 and nothing else! This game has been consistently pulling me back to it every year for 10 years, I can't get enough it, it's such a cool game, I love seeing how it keeps evolving via updates but also mods!
I don't really know what to say about it other than "it's amazing, go play it". It's made by Nippon Ichi Software, of course. It's a dungeon crawler, sort of like the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, except it's like, WAY harder.It also mixes in elements from The Binding of Isaac, for example, every time you go in a new expedition, your base stats and items are all reset ! I found myself dying a lot and a lot, but it kept me restarting every time (until I found out you can restart the game to go back to the floor you died on). But that's not the only aspect, you also have a Terrarium to take care of : during missions, you can find materials and blueprints that can be used in the Terrarium, but that also increase your overall stats. You really have to think about your kit and your stats, it's really a mind game! Mind game which I'm bad at, I kept getting destroyed by the game because of my bad choices, it feels unfair sometimes, but most of those times you can feel that if you lost, it's entirely your fault. You also get cool decorations for the Terrarium by building stuff ! (you can check my Terrarium on the previous update).
The music is very good, good ambiance that always fits the mood of what you're doing. And the art direction is very good too, it has that feel you can find on other games designed by Masayuki Furuya, it's very good.
And the story, oh god, there's two endings, and both really leave you bittersweet, there isn't a truely good ending, and I love that.
Sooo, yeah, good looking, sounding, and fun game, a recipe for a good time! I'll give it an 8 mushrooms out of 10 (mushrooms again, huh?)
The game is available on Switch, PS4 and PS5, go give it a try!
My good friend Pudding also talked about this game in his newest update, check what he has to say here!
I guess that's it for today, thanks for reading once again again!
Stay happy, and goodnight!