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Cool people!

Name: Miya
Loves: You
Hates: Tests
Date: 06/11/2023

Now: Resting...
Update time update time! It's been a bit right? But it's been long enough!

Site updates : Do I really have to say it? www
I tried doing some things, but it felt too forced and all, so we'll stick to here for now!
Life updates : Ahh two months huh? You'd think a lot happened but not really? (I feel like I've heard this before...)
School really is just a chore at this point, it's not hard per say, but it's so annoying and scary, they're just spamming us with tests over and over again, I can manage to pull through though! It's hard, but I feel like I can do it! (Wait, the last update was only at the start of the school year? Man, time really files...)
I haven't done any cool trip or thing I can talk about, but for the autumn break, I spent a full week with my girlfriend! I never went out to a friend's house, and no one ever came to mine, so it was a first for me and kinda scary, but it really was the best time I've ever had in a long time! We just had fun uh... eating, eating a lot, and sleeping, but it still was very fun to just be in company of not only someone but my favorite person ever! It feels a bit empty now that we're back to school, but I'll never forget those times and I'll sure we'll have many more fun ones!

Hmmm... About projects I'm doing... Well, I don't draw very often anymore, but when I do I try to do it very seriously, even if a lot of the time it just ends up being practice that I never post or throw in the trash... Like I said in my latest art tweet, I'm mostly trying character designs to find my own style that I like!
A few examples of familiar heads...

But why am I so inclined on doing character design...?
Because I finally started working on my game World's Last Deck again!
Development is slow, but I'm making sure everything is high quality and at least slightly fun to go through!
Most of the time was spent thinking of ideas, I just have to implement them now! The game will be divided in 5 days, an entire school week, and I think I could say day 1 could be nearing completion soon!
Thanks for the support from the 2 persons that actually care about this project! I'll do my best to make it the best!

As a treat, here is the entire school map! Along with a cryptic screenshot...

And I think that it for now! I should probably take notes of what cool things happen, maybe I'll try that for next time!
As always, stay here if you wanna hear some rambling!

Rambling session here I come! Today I'll just be talking about gaming and anime!

For games I've been playing.. Hmm.. Well first of all, I played the funny Suika/Watermelon Game thing, I got pretty close but I'm always very unfortunate with this stuff... (and the music oh my god)

I've kinda given up on achievement hunting, it's really tedious and a lot of them were just down right annoying to do, I'll just play my games how I want instead of trying to get internet points (< this will be thrown out the window in two paragraphs)

I had a though choice to make between Sonic Superstars and Super Mario Bros. Wonder last month.. But after seeing some things on Superstars, especially music related issues, I decided to check out Mario Wonder since I also got spoiled less of that.
And man, was it the right choice! I remember picking NSMBU Deluxe a few years ago and it felt so bland, not bad, but just boring to go through. But with Wonder, each level is interesting in its own way, and the difficulty is on point! I really loved every part of this game, except maybe the bosses but they never were my favorite parts of the games, so I can overlook it. I recommend everyone who can to check it out, it's really a fun and new unique, yet still familiar experience!

I even 100%'d the game, and you know a game is good when I do that!

Finishing Wonder made me want to try speedruning the first ever Super Mario Bros. game again, something I tried a few months back, with my goal of getting a sub 6 minutes. And I can proudly tell you that after about 800 more attempts, I finally beat the game without dying, and with a few glitches and cool movement here in there, I finally got to my goal! I didn't get a recording of it... But maybe I'll try to next time! It felt so good beating the game like this without rewind and everything, speedrunning is REALLY hard but I can definitely see the appeal.

I'm 1095th in the world!

Finally for the gaming side of things, I wanna try to actually get through my backlog again, I have so many games I haven't played yet! I think I'll start with Disgaea 5... My playthrough of this game is way overdue, but that's a story for another time!

Thought we were done? This is only the halfway point!

I enjoyed doing this last time, so here's another lightning round of things I've read or watched lately!

Shouko Sensei! was a short but very sweet manga with an unusual story, it's about a teacher that's 8 years old! I can't say much about it, her age doesn't play that big of a part in it, just think of it as a cute small girl that happens to be a teacher and it won't make any big changes. Apart from that it's just classic good slice of life shenanigans, I can't say much more about it since it's just day to day fun, but it's very good!

After being recommended it a lot to me by a friend, I also read (and started watching) This Art Club Has a Problem! It's once again a slice of life in a setting I haven't seen before, but the characters are very unique and all work well with one another, they're really memorable, and I really like the dynamic between the two protagonists, it actually feels like things are changing as they happen and not just reset every chapter!

And now for something else... I wanted to check the Magical Girl side of manga/anime a while ago after reading Shugo Chara!, but I never got too much into it. That's why I finally started recently!

First of all, I started reading Mahou Shoujo no Kareinaru Yosei. It's really unique in the sense that it's about the life after being a Magical Girl, and it's very different from what you could imagine. The humor is on point, being from the same author as Adashino-san, I'll definitely check out more of their works, I really like all of it!

(The image selection feels very weird this time around, don't you think...?)

And of course, I had to start watching a Pretty Cure show! So I started with the most recent Hirogaru Sky!
It's great mindless fun, while also being cute and very stylish! I'm only at episode 2, but I already love the two main characters and I can't wait to see more of them! I love monster of the week type shows, it's always something you don't expect!

Andd that's it for today!
Thanks for reading! I really like writing that one, maybe once every few months isn't so bad!
Don't forget your ice-cream and goodnight everyone!
Stay Happy!

Burururu... Burururu... This update's song is Love Like You by Rebecca Sugar from Steven Universe!
Not only because this show got its 10th anniversary not long ago, but also because this song almost made me cry a few days ago and god the lyrics are so beautiful.

i love you

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My Shelves!

My entire manga collection!
Games I've played this year!