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Name: Miya
Loves: Sleeping
Date: 17/09/2023

Now: Waiting...
Ah, it's update time! It's been a month huh...

Site updates : Nothing again, so I've been reading a lot lately, so maybe new banners will come soon enough.
Life updates : Not really anything is happening, but I thought I should still talk about somethings to keep this diary thing going. Nothing also is worthwhile, huh?
School finally started again, it's my final year at last, I can't wait to finally be done with all of this. My class isn't the best, but I guess not being with my friends makes me able to focus on the class itself a bit more, so it's probably not that bad of a thing.
I wanna try to work harder, not only in school but also in general, even if that dream seems harder and harder to achieve, I've had a lot on my mind lately, yet no time to think about anything, it all feels really overwhelming without anything to do about it. Still, nothing that never happened before, I'll do my best to push through again, I have to. A bitter start huh? I guess that explains why there hasn't been any updates in a while. Just nothing has been changing, everything is starting to blend in one another and it's really tiring.

Basically no work was done on the game I keep talking about, but, I have all the ideas for it written down, I know exactly what to do, now it's just a matter of time before it gets done.
Drawing practice still is a thing I'm doing once in a while, though I almost only ever do sketches, I don't really feel like I'm going anywhere with it.
And I haven't been playing much of anything, just chipping away at some achivements, and I tried to play a visual novel but ended up actually losing at it, not even entering a single route. Says a lot lmao.

This is it for now, sorry if it isn't much, I really don't have anything interesting too say, and if I kept rambling I would just start spitting nonsense. I still think it was important to do an entry even like this, it's part of what life is and it's still important to document.
As always, we're not done just yet though!

I don't have much to ramble on, so I'll just do a lightning round of things I've watched or read lately!

Kuro was a very short but really sweet story about a girl named Coco and her cat, Kuro. It really draws you in by its weird premise, and the really messed up chapter numbers, even before reading it, you know something is wrong, but it's only after digging deeper and deeper that you can realize what actually is. It really takes no time to read, so give it a try! There's nothing quite like it!

Null Meta is probably one of my favorite comedy manga now, it does everything it can and always goes over the top! The humor really is on point to how crazy it can get when you're with friends, the interactions between characters all feel so real, and that paired with the very nice style and lovable personalities of each of them makes for a really good package, I really hope more of it gets translated, it's REALLY funny.

I also started reading Yotsuba&! again! It's always so cheerful and funny, I can't read it without having a smile on my face. If you just wanna go have a good time go read this all time classic! I don't have much to say about it, it's that good!

I finished watching and reading Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle! The world building is soo good, not only is the humor like nothing else, but it knows how to punch you in the guts when it wants, and the character designs are all amazing! I love Demon Cleric a lot. (these are becoming nothing else than "I really like that! go read it!", and i'm all for it ww, it's true!)

Of course, I watched Little Busters! And man, it is NOT only baseball. The reason I started watching it is because I noticed a few of my friends knew about it, one even being named after it! And I can see why! You really get attached to all the characters, the feels this gives you really is something else, I can't wait to watch season 2! It reminded me a lot of Gakkou Gurashi!, in the sense that one episode could be the saddest thing you've ever seen, and the next be the silliest! And that's how life goes, it's not always sad or always nice, that's just how it is, and this anime really makes you see that (along with the confusing plot points and all, it makes you think a lot, I love it.)

And lastly, the final special episodes of Gotoubun no Hanayome released, and it made me remember how much I hate Anime fans. I kind of started hating on this show for no reason despite loving it for so long, because the people, the merch, anything treats it like your regular shitty harem anime to draw in some single cucks and farm money. But just seeing these characters have fun together made me remember why I loved it in the first place, they all are actual characters, not flat planks you're supposed to portray yourself in, Fuutarou has a unique personality, and isn't just blank like in other harems! I really love this show and I'll continue to defend it, people always make it seem like it's any other harem, but it's an actual story, never believe shitty anime fans (what I'm saying is confusing, huh?) What I'm saying is, it's an actual romance, not just a shitty harem, go give it a try!

Thanks for reading agaainn~
Doing these kind of is refreshing once in a while.
It was kind of a downer, but that's how it is sometimes, so sorry!
Goodnight everyone,
And Stay Happy!

Burururu... Burururu... This update's song is Little Busters! ~Ecstasy ver.~ by Rita
A hard choice had to be made between this and the TV version... All versions of this song are really good! Go give them all a listen!
The Rock feel of this one is one I particularly like!

“Does not a white bird
Feel within her heart forlorn?
The blue of the sky
The blue of the sea. Neither
Stains her, between them she floats.”

― Bokusui Wakayama
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