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Cool people!

Name: Miya
Loves: Forever
Hates: Sleeping
Date: 25/07/2023

Now: Hopefully doing something worthwhile

Heeyyy its update time!! On time today!

Site updates :Nothing much, but something did change!
I've updated the game shelf, for the games I've played! When you hover over them, cool info appears in a better way than before! Check it out with the buttons on the left!

And the update page finally has a custom font, as you've hopefully noticed!

Life updates : Its summer its boring and hot as always ueueughguhghegh
I have nothing to do, and stuff that I want to do, I dont have the strength to do! So annoying!!
I really wanna try to actually sleep and wake up earlier, but it's so so hard!

Some stuff still happened though, I guess
I decided to finally start doing achievement hunts on Steam, to get cool gamer points! It's gonna take a while, but I'm gonna try to get through as many games as possible! I also learned the hard way that some free games don't count on your profile, woops
I also delved into capitalism with the Steam Community Market™️, basically I spent two days just selling and buying cards, just to end up with a cool shiny badge on my profile! (Was it worth it? I dont know..)

I tried s
ome new stuff, such as Calypso, specifically the Paradise Punch Lemonade flavor because of that one video. And that kid was not kidding, it really is minging! It tastes SO BAD, it has so much sugar it was awful lol

I also did a bit of work on my game, but really a LITTLE bit, here's a peek at a work in progress room!

Also update for last time, even with losing my save file so many times, I finally beat Tears of the Kingdom! Great game!
And now it's rambling time?

Man, this update is sad, I don't even know what to ramble about!
Honestly, it feels so empty in here, I don't have anything going on, I never thought I'd say that, but I can't wait for school to pick back up again, to at least have something to do. I'll just talk a bit about game achievements:
I feel like games should have a balance in what achievements should be, but not a lot of them reach that nice middle ground
First of all, story progress achievements are always nice, nothing to say on those
Speedrunning ones are fine too, as long as it's not doing the entire game again, but for some levels its nice
Beating the game on different difficulties is okay too, finding secret rooms, or every collectible
The ones I hate are the ones that literally are like a chore.
For example, rhythm games and puzzle games always have some issues with achievements, the most stupid one I ever saw was in Project Diva MegaMix+: "Music Video Lover" - Watched 39 minutes and 39 seconds of music videos."
Apart from the funny 39 number, this achievement is just "Wait for 40 minutes lol"
And while Muse Dash has good stuff like "Clear 10 Master Mode stages", MegaMix+ has "Clear 150 songs in EXTREME or EX EXTREME, and thats so stupid because those are insane hard charts (< ill talk about rhythm game difficulties soon, i need to yell about those too)

A good achievement should be something that you have to work for, but not something that is just doing something incredibly hard or long for no reason (This is the most basic example ever, but Celeste is perfect at that, you don't even need to find all berries to get all achivements, the requirement for it is lower than the max count!)

But now, the ones that infuriate me, that make me VERY mad, are the ones like in DJMAX Respect V, it has many achivements, and you need all DLCs to get all of them! That's more than 300 bucks! Honestly the way DJMAX is handled as a whole makes me so mad, but this is a very big reason as to why.
(So much negativity today, sorry lol)

I guess that's it? Really a weird one today, hopefully next will be better, but still thanks for reading!
Goodnight and Stay Happy!

This update's song is MOUDOKU-CHUUI by Dennoko-P
Just because it's been on my mind for a bit, and is very unique for a Vocaloid song.

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My Shelves!

My entire manga collection!
Games I've played this year!