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Cool people!

Name: Miya
Loves: Again
Hates: Summer
Date: 16/07/2023

Now: Thinking

It's update day!!!
Huh? I skipped last week? What do you mean..?

Site updates : ugggh uhhhhh
Actually, I do have things to say
The site is in a place I really like at the moment, so I don't think I'll be changing much outside from My Stuff and the shelves, and maybe add a few banners from time to time
What I wanted was just something easy where people can find stuff about me, and I don't want it to be too much
I'm not saying nothing will be added, but I'm working on other cool stuff, so stay tuned!

Life updates : Its still summer break, I'm still burning, and it's still hard to get any motivation!!
Though this doesn't mean I've just been sleeping all day, I've been sleeping only half the days!
Oh but Miya, what have you been doing the other halves you ask?
First of all since this is just a diary type thing, I wanna say that I spent an entire day with my girlfriend and it was the best thing ever (i mean how could it not be), even if we were extremely close to getting a heatstroke.

Other cool stuff that I promised uhhh, I started organize my game library using Playnite again! It takes WAY too long, but the results look cool! Though I feel like my monitor has very tiny micro stutters so if anyone knows anything about that please shoot me a message somewhere (i have an AMD card)

Check it out, I really can't wait to be done with it!
And something else... I started working on a game called World's Last Deck! Not many people will actually care about it since it's a story with all of my ocs, but its gonna regroup all of them into one coherent story! (Fanservice for only two people?) I already even have the ending in mind, and I can tell you its really great!
I'm gonna probably do some updates about it on here, even if it's made in RPG Maker, it's mostly like a Visual Novel you can walk around in.
Heh, here's a little sneak peak:

Also oh my god i just lost my Tears of the Kingdom save file AGAIN, my last backup was hours ago NINTENDO™ EUEGUGHGHGH
And now it's rambling time! Just some basic manga talk this time!

A lot has happened since my crying session about Yuru Yuri, so let's get on with it!
First, companies decided to mess up with my savings schedule once again! And it's all the same company! The French manga publisher Meian is not only gonna release the first 2 volumes of Bocchi the Rock! next month, but also the FOUR first ones of Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle! I should have enough for all this and to still buy a game in october... Hopefully!
Something else that happened is that I had a quick chat with Bainhardt also known has Graveyard of Airships, the guy that scanlated Ueno-san wa Bukiyou! At first, I just wanted to thank him for his amazing works, but it ended up in both of us gushing about localizations and how great it can be! Maybe I'll ramble about that one day...
Eitherway, it was really fun! Go give him some support over on Mangadex (´-`)b

And now, a lightning round of stuff I've read while I was gone!
Heisei Umare: A very funny 4koma, it has a lot of Pop Team Epic and Matazoro vibes, I didn't expect most of the jokes to land so well!
Kimi was Meido-sama: This one is very unique, just take the basic trope of Maid classmate, and make it have an actually deep and interesting story! It's about a Maid that once was an assassin, it really has its moments and is great overall!
Aan-chan no Aan: Short and sweet, I like the artstyle a lot! The comedy is really good and fairly unique too! Too bad the scanlation got dropped...
Ponkotsu-chan Kenshouchuu: This one is reminded me a lot of Ueno-san, but if Tanaka wasn't completely oblivious! Each chapter stands on its own, but still manages to have continuity, once again, a very unique one! I really like the twist in the latest chapters...

I'm kinda running dry now... I need to find new things to read!!

I also continued to read Touhou - Lotus Eaters' Sobering
It was very nice to see Sanae~

Thanks for reading! I forgot these updates were actually fun to write... So thank my friend for gaslighting me into making one!
Stay Happy!

This update's song is Atusgi no Uta by Karameru
Because it's so funny and catchy AND OH MY GOD ITS SO HOT I HATE SUMMER

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