September 17th

Today, I was asked to start writing the documents for each Club. It's such a tedious process, having to go out of my way to go ask questions to every student and even get their pictures. Thankfully the president allowed me to take my time with this, it's not often that I get more than a day to do an assignment, we really have to work hard at the Student Council. Setting up the documents was easy enough, even if I had to reorganize this entire computer. It really was in a mess I wonder what the previous members did on here. Well, I better get started with this or I'll never be done! I think I'm just gonna walk around the school until I find someone who seems easy to talk to.

September 18th

Talk about a start... I'm done with the first Club document, and it was about a Gods' Club thing? I didn't really understand what the goal of their Club even is, but they almost made me join it! It was such a mess and everyone was talking on top of each other, it was so chaotic, yet it seemed... fun. Either way, I'm done with their reports so it's none of my business now. I wonder if Yuyu will allow me to take a break now, their energy completely drained me. Aghh I think I'll have to do ourselves next, I don't know if that's better or not! Either way, it's time for my ice-cream, I can choose my own break time~

September 19th

Just as I thought, the easiest way to continue this was to write the Council's reports... It was so embarrassing... Not only did I have to interview my sister- the president I mean (at least she was there this time), but also that other girl I've barely talked to but also Yuyu aswell, why!! I hope the next actual Club will be easier... At least I got to talk to that other person who's always around the council despite not being a part of it. Ugh to think they called her because they mistook her for me was so embarrassing too aghhh I'm sure that stupid blue haired girl did it on purpose!!

September 20th

My computer took a really long time to open today, I wonder why... A regular update wouldn't have taken that long would it? I hope nothing else is going on with it. Because of this, I wasn't really able to report on any other club, I hope the president won't get too mad at me...

September 21st

Aahh another boring day of interviewing clubs... Is what I thought today before venturing out into reporting about the Science Club. First of all, their door was locked! Which is forbidden in the school. I asked Emily about it, and she said they tried so many times to stop them from doing that, but to no avail. Apparently, the door is closed but not even by using the lock! After a lot of knocking, the door slowly opened, revealing a completely dark room but with an extremely bright white robot inside. I could just make out a ton of flasks and machinery from the corner of my eyes, weird stuff. I tried getting their Club's president but she wasn't around apparently. Or, no one has ever seen her for a fact. This whole experience was so so weird once again, I don't want to do it again...