Date: 21/09

The Reappearance of Hatsune Miku

Today is not a regular update about a game or anime, I want to talk about a surreal experience I've had today.

It all starts months ago. As you may know, my best friend Pudding is from Brazil, which is very far away from where I live! But because of this, we can talk about food or drinks we only have in our specific countries, what's different and such!

One day, when @ErinArtista on Twitter drew the first ever Brazilian Miku, Pudding noticed that in her hand, she was holding a specific drink that he really really likes: "Guarana Antarctica". I've never heard of it as it basically only exists in Brazil. It's made from this fruit of the same name, "Guarana", a fruit that looks like it's made of eyeballs! But still, I very much wanted to try it!

A few weeks later, I moved into my new apartment, and quickly noticed that a store close to me apparently sells bottles of this drink! I was so excited that I immediately went to the store the next day. But, when I got there, I went through the drink isle over and over again and couldn't find it... Maybe it was just very well hidden? But sadly this day, I went back empty handed.

And now, fast forward to today. I got the great idea to order it from the store's site (because it was listed as available on it), and then go pick it up there afterwards! So I did that: the order process went right, and they were getting it ready! I quickly went to the store at the designated time, and then, and only then! They told me that, they didn't have any at all. Why let me order it then? Why wait until I get all the way here to tell me? So I left the store very sad, very frustrated, and a little angry.

I continued the afternoon by visiting a few different shops, like one that resells old toys, another books, but I then found a new shop of food imports from all over the world. Nothing was particularly interesting about their stocks, but in the very back, I found a can with Hatsune Miku on it. And so I decided to get it for the hell of it (and because I kinda have a rule to not let any Miku I find in the wild stay there), and as a so called "substitute" to the drink I didn't get earlier. I decided, to make it more interesting, to not even check the ingredients at all and let it be a surprise! The only thing I knew was that it was "a green energy drink" thanks to the front of the can, whatever that means, and I knew I could trust whatever Miku would put into my drink. After paying 5 EUROS FOR A SINGLE CAN (what the hell), I went home and curiosity got the better of me, so I checked the ingredients at the back of the can...

It was actually Guarana flavored!? The exact same thing as the other drink I was originally supposed to get today!??? Learning that felt so surreal, I couldn't believe it! I was super excited about it, and was just really happy about how cool of an experience, and how big of a coincidence it was! All thanks to our all-mighty lord Hatsune Miku...

As for the drink itself... It isn't much so "green" as the can says, but it's still fairly good. It kinda tastes like a Schweppes or a more sugary 7-Up, it's kinda basic, but it's good! It's supposed to be an energy drink, but I didn't really feel the effects of that.

Either way, I'll definitely keep that can as a cool memorabilia of this really surreal day I've had today!

Date: 13/09

Beating games with Miya!

Today I finished playing Gimmick! 2

First of all, I want to say that I absolutely love the original Gimmick! on the NES. It's such a whimsical and great game with an amazing soundtrack, and it's very challenging! So I was already surprised when they re-released it earlier this year (for 30$ and on Limited Run Games..... Ugh..). A remake of the first game came out three years ago, but only on arcades, it looks and sounds phenomenal, I love it! But there's still absolutely no way of playing it outside of arcades, officially or not. The 30$ re-release would have been completely worth it if that was included....
But no matter these facts, I was also very surprised when Gimmick! 2 was announced out of nowhere! I guess they really like bringing back old platformers these days huh. Although, I was very skeptical with the game, it looked so generic, wasn't even made by the same studio as the original, and even the composer was different... I really thought it'd just be a soulless bad cashgrab.

But then I actually played it, and it really exceeded my expectations! The game is challenging, but it's not bullshit hard, as someone said, it's a game that "respects its players". None of the deaths I met felt unfair, the puzzles and platforming challenges, even if sometimes (but rarely) extremely hard, were all satisfying and really fun! It's a very unique playstyle for a platformer, and I love it!

The bosses were fun too! I like how, just like the actual levels, there's no actual one way of doing them, since your main attack is a weird bouncy star projectile, you can basically do whatever, either wait for some downtime, or try to hit them as fast as possible! (i think you can guess which one i kept trying and kept failing...)

So yeah, gameplay wise, this game is very very good! To get the actual true ending, you need to find treasures around each level, and they're VERY well hidden. That's my one gripe with the gameplay. For secrets, they go the New Super Mario Bros. U route, of just hiding them completely behind a wall, with no way of telling. Apart from that, it's very solid, some cosmetics are very cool!

But, gameplay isn't all there should be to a game, and this is where I think the game has one very big flaw. This is supposed to be a sequel to the NES original, but it doesn't have the identity, or what made the first one so special in the first place. They're both supposed to take place in an actual dream world, something the first game does perfectly with weird wacky shapes and colors! But in Gimmick 2, you just have... Regular grass, fire, grass again, and so on. Some had cool twists, like one being a fishing station, but that's about it. Apart from the main character and a few enemies, it had nothing from the original. It didn't even have the main gimmick the actual game had! You used to be able to use items, like throw bombs and potions to change your star, and the sequel has none of that! Why!? And lastly... The original NES game was famous for its soundtrack, using an advanced chip in its cartridge to get the best sound possible out of the NES. Every music was full of life and energy. And the sequel... Has just generic ambiant songs, that'd you find in generic shovelware, none of them are memorable. What sucks even more is that, like, 3 of the tracks are remixes from the original, and they're all amazing! Why didn't they go with this style for the entire game?? Especially when, the original composer from the first game said they would be totally down to make the soundtrack for the sequel! Except the team never reached out to them, bummer.

So I think that's my final review. Gimmick! 2 is a very fun and great game, but it really lacks in being a true sequel, making it kinda unworthy of its title. I still had a blast playing through it and highly recommend it though!! (I didn't go for 100%, some of these cosmetics are very well hidden!)

Welp, welcome back Yumetaro!

Date: 06/09

Miya is back??

Oh um, hey guys. It's been more than a month again?!! I'm really bad at keeping this up.

But I have reasons this time! I didn't just ditch on you! Truth is...

Since I've finished highschool, I'm gonna have to start going to uni! And for that, me and my girlfriend moved in together! And that took... A LONG time. From setting up everything, finding the place, bringing everything and adjusting to it, it really was tiring. But I think this year is gonna be a good one, I don't really see why it wouldn't. So if I didn't do any updates, it's because I had nothing to talk about! I continued watching my regular anime, I barely drew, and I just played Minecraft for a bit www.

But if you want, for old times' sake, I can talk about a special anime I've watched during that time... The only new thing I did www.

I finished watching Mari & Gali (マリー & ガリー!) by Toei Animation!

Let's start from the beginning... I learned about this anime by a Twitter artist by the name of @eto151110, and what they do is that they keep pumping out art of this anime EVERYDAY, and multiple of them, and they're all EXTREMELY HIGH QUALITY, I have a lot of respect for this artist and I really look up to them. Their art gave the characters so much life and personnality and it all seemed so fun and warm that I had to check it out! I also just absolutely loved the character design.

And now, color me surprised when I started watching, and realized it was a 2009 anime about teaching science to kids. And somehow, even with that premise... It was very very good?? The characters are (almost) all parodies of famous scientists, but to such an extreme that they're all so endearing and fun! Plus that moment when they make a reference about themselves and you can say "hey! i know that!", or the other way around, now I feel proud every time I see Archimedes' Screw somewhere, I guess I also got tricked on learning about science... Marika is obviously my favorite character, because she's the main cute girl who is the one learning, but all of the other scientists are so unique in their own way, you really don't expect it. The episode number can seem scary, but they're all only 5 minutes, but that's not a bad thing! Thanks to this, they explored SO many ideas and it's so quick and snappy I love it! Though sadly, it being very episodic and for kids, the endings (for both season 1 and 2), weren't really fleshed out and kinda just stopped very abruptly. Either way I love this show and I absolutely recommend you watch it!!

I still find myself humming "Loo~ve Coil!"

Date: 30/07

Reading with Miya!

Today I finished reading Yuri is my Job! (私の百合はお仕事です!) by Miman!

Or, at least finished what's already out of it. It's in hiatus, I wish the best for the author's health!

From the title, I expected a very typical romance about a girl joining a certain job and everyone working there falling for her. I couldn't have been further from the truth. This is much more than just a story about falling in love, it's a story about lies, about understanding your feelings, about finding yourself, and trying to be aware of how others feel. Romance in manga is often seen as this amazing thing which solves every problem and is so easy to get, which it can be sometimes! But here, it shows a different side of love, the love where people make irrational choices, the selfish love you can have for someone, and the unreasonable choices you can make because of it. Some of the things the characters do can seem like they make no sense and that they're idiots for thinking like this, but sometimes love can be hard, and it can confuse you into doing things you really shouldn't, and this story is a very great portrayal of that. Sometimes you should proudly proclaim your love, but sometimes it might be better to keep it to yourself, or should you force it to please someone? What even is love, is it just having someone to talk to, or to do intimate things to? Is all of that really meaningful or can love exist without them? These are all questions these characters ask themselves, and it works very well. In the first few chapters, these characters can feel a bit one note, but you can see that they're much more 3 dimensional than that later on, no one is perfect and everyone can be wrong and infuriating, but it's always for a reason and not just for the sake of making you feel bad, it's just very great.

Of course, it also shows some good sides of love, but it really took me offguard by how well it tackles and represents all of these other sides, and it really hit close sometimes. I hope I did it justice by my quick description. Even if you're not a yuri fan, you should give it a try! I've never really seen one use it at this angle, and it's honestly really great!

Date: 28/07

Completing games with Miya 3!

Today I 100%'d Rivals of Aether!

Rivals 1 is probably my favorite platform fighter, I love Smash a lot don't get me wrong, but the way Rivals flows, and everything it has to offer is amazing. There's a reason I have 100 hours on it, from getting mad at online matches to goofing off in training mode with weird workshop characters, it's just so fun and feels right, I love it!

It's achievements though... Are not the greatest. There are your typical story mode achievements, that had such a short time limit they had to extend it to make it less unfair. Even with that fact, I struggled a lot to get a gold medal on each stage, but I managed to do it legit, it was a high, but very good challenge! You also have to get through every tutorial, which was annoying but that's about it. A majority of the achievements are just getting a kill with a character specific move, and those were fun, but I got most of them naturally doing the next achievement... Getting level 10 in Abyss mode with EVERY character. This took, SO LONG, it honestly overstayed its welcome, just like the next one that was getting 999,999 coins (the best strat for that is, since coins you get are calculated from your damage dealt, have 3 players against a wall and hit them with non launching moves for 20 minutes). You also need to get to stage 45 on Abyss mode, but this was a nice challenge so it was okay.

100% in this game was fine, but those last 2 achievements really were just annoying and unneeded. Maybe they could have gotten cut in half and it would have been better. I still had fun doing all of the other ones, but I don't recommend it only because of the grindy achievements.

Date: 27/07

Completing games with Miya 2!

Today I 100%'d Pikuniku!

This game is a puzzle platformer, which I usually don't really like, but this one is fairly simple and easy, so I enjoyed it a lot! The bright colors and simple shapes work wonderfully together, and the music just keeps getting stuck in my head it's very very good. Its story is nothing groundbreaking, but the actual characters and their jokes is where the game is at its best, it's a very, once again, simple type of humor, but it just works so well.

Now for the big 100. I actually beat this game 3 years ago, but I had to do it because some of the trophies you have to collect are in the final area, and you can't go back here once you've finished the game. But I'm okay with it, I basically had forgotten everything about the game, so it was a very good playthrough. You need to get all trophies from single and co-op mode, along with finding "bugs" (like, literal insects), just your typical collectables, they were all easy to find, so it was fun! By getting the trophies, you'll naturally most of the other achivements as they're often tied together, like doing specific hidden platforming challenges or mini-games.

But sometimes, these mini-games are pushed to the extreme on the achivements. Not only do you get to beat, and lose one 3 times each in a row, but on another, you need to get the max score of 999, something that takes... 20 MINUTES to do. (and i did it legit, im insane, i know). Another is getting a full-combo on the rhythm mini-game, but that's not hard task for me. Some achivements are just other funny things to do like break pots or draw nothing when asked to draw something.

There were also achivements tied to the co-op mode, which I did thanks to my girlfriend's help. One was speedrunning a level, which I'm totally okay with I love doing that, and the other was just another basic trophy hunting. (And also bullying the other player by kicking them 50 times). I'm surprised though, as there's no achivement for beating every co-op level.

Overall, I had a really fun time 100% the game! None of the tasks overstayed their welcome and none were awfully grindy, apart from the 999 score one...

Date: 26/07

Completing games with Miya!

Today I 100%'d Salamander County Public Television!

And what a game it is! The gameplay feels like WarioWare microgames, but fleshed out to be a little longer and more interesting (only a little tho). It's extremely funny and makes absolutely no sense, and I'm all in for this kind of humor, so I love it! Beating it was very easy, but 100% was a different story...

Every mini-game has bronze, silver and gold medals you can get, and of course for 100%, you need gold medals (as well as doing "bonus objectives" each game has, which are just fun silly challenges that make you play in an intriguing way). For some games, these are very easy, but for others, it can be very frustrating. The Balloon blowing one and the weird Cleaning board games were the hardest for me, as you had very tight scores to get, but I managed to do it legit! Even when considering to cheat a few times, I ended up never doing that and so I feel proud of completing it. The game can feel totally frustrating at times, but never unfair! It's more like a "aw dang it, you got me cheeky game" feel, more than a "goddamn these requirements suck and so does this game". 100%'d it took me about 4 hours, but that's becuase I kept watching the little TV ads on the menu and wanted to get high scores on some of the games. 2 hours could totally be doable.

I recommand giving this game a try! It's not really like anything, it's cheap, and it's funny and fun! You'll never know what to expect with it.

Date: 20/07

Rambling against annoying media consumers

I saw a lot of people complaining about the lack of trailers for the Sonic 3 movie despite it releasing in 5 months, going like "erm.. tbh.. the lack of trailers made me lose interest, im not hyped at all anymore..". And for me, it couldn't be further than the truth?? When's the last time you were able to go in a movie completely blind? Probably a long time ago. For example, Sonic Movie 2 literally showed all it's big moments in the trailers, there were no "woaahh that's amazing and unexpected" moment since we knew ALL of it before release. The Mario Movie was even worse, I felt like I've seen the entire movie before it even released, not a single one of Mario's power ups was kept secret, it was so annoying.

Which is why I'm glad Sonic 3 hasn't gotten trailers yet. I'm sure it'll get some, and I'll do my best to avoid them, it sucks that big companies feel like they have to spoil the fun out of everything, and that these annoying peeps feel like it's SUCH a bad thing to not know everything something has to offer being seeing it. I mean, movies are supposed to bring wonder right? Not just pointing at the screen and saying "yup, saw that in the ads"

I more and more easily annoyed by certain types of people lol, weird energy from that post but it's my thoughts! What do you guys think, I'm very interested by that, and even if you're for what I'm against, why?

Date: 19/07

Summer Seasonal Anime,
Week 3!

I want to go through the progress of seasonal anime, so I'm gonna give my opinion of each episode of the anime I'm following here !
I'm a bit late, so sadly I won't be able to talk about episode 1s or 2s in some case, so sorry about that. Because of that, I'll still give a quick summary of what I think so far.

Of course, Spoiler Alert for all of these shows!
(Later edit: i'm never doing this again, ill just talk about them when they end.)


Click one of the titles above to read this week's episode's review!


This anime is about a group of vampires making online videos with a human, after the latter broke up with her last channel group that she had made with her old friends. It's one of the chaotic fun anime of the season, I don't expect it's story to be too groundbreaking, but it's been funny so far, and the concept seems original!

The first episode was more of an introduction, so it's nice to finally start learning about the everyday antics of these characters. Them actually almost getting to 1M but having to revert back to doing regular videos was very interesting, though even when moving onto a channel, I think people will still be able to recognize them, hopefully that's not something the story decides to turn a blind eye to. It was nice for them to introduce the characters as actual vampires, like turning into bats or having to get invited into buildings, but it's also fun to see their twists on that trope, like the fact that the vampires just get high off of garlic www. This show looks very great, every design is nice but I gotta say I do have a soft spot for Yuki-sama, she just looks way cooler.

At the end, this episode marks a new start for these characters, also kind of acting as another part of the introduction to the whole show. I think next episode we'll start to actually see them build an actual Y-Y-NewTube channel, and that's when it should begin to be very fun. I'm looking forward to it! These two episodes really were great at making you engaged into what's to come, even if not much really happens in the grand scheme of things.

Alya Sometimes Hides Her Feelings in Russian (E03)

This one is the one I would call the "Corporate Romance" of the bunch, with weird fanservice and a few inconsistencies, but I kept seeing it everywhere and didn't want to feel clueless when I saw things about it on Twitter so I decided to give it a go. It's your typical girl likes guy but tries to hide it so badly that even the guy knows, but I guess the fact that it's because she compliments him in Russian and that he also speaks that language without her knowing makes it interesting (convoluted, i know). Also the protag mentions that he learned Russian to talk to a girl he had met as a child, so I'm like 98% sure that this girl will be the very same one he knows now, as that trope usually does.

Wow, so, in Episode 1, they introduced us vaguely to the council members (that Alya is a part of). in E02, we learn that one of them is the protag's (Kuze-kun's) sister (and is very into him, weirdly enough). And NOW, we learn that the 4th member is Alya's sister??? Once again, talk about convoluted. We got to see that Alya, as a child, was very serious about her schoolwork, kinda too much, but always ended up with people who didn't care at all in groupworks, so I kinda undestand her lol. At least we got to see here meet Kuze for the first time, it's kinda cool that they waited 3 episodes for that.

This episode didn't have any of the weird stuff the last two had, it was just a good romance story, I liked it. It's very very nice that Kuze-kun isn't a blank slate like a lot of harem would do, he reminds me a little bit of Fuutarou, which is always nice. In the second half, we learned a bit more about Alya's sister, she seems like a very bland character ww I guess that's bound to happen in a harem, but she has funny moments. It also setup a plot point about Kuze-kun's parents separating and his sister getting sick? This seems like a LOT for an anime like this, I hope it doesn't try to bite off more than it can chew.

My Deer Friend Nokotan (E03)

How can I even describe this anime... It's just a gag anime that feels like it's been taken straight from 2016, but with an amazing budget an animation from nowadays! It also sounds like something I could come up with, a Deer Club where they take care of deers depite no deers being here. I don't have much to say, so onto the episode!

The first half just shows Koshi-tan's slow descend into madness, thinking that Nokotan turned into a real deer. It was hilarious, especially since we finally saw the famous dance that I've already watched for multiple hours. That felt a bit rewarding www. Nothing else much to say since no story was involved, but I had no idea what was coming after every gag, really this anime is impossible to predict.

In the second half, we were finally introduced to the green girl Bashame, Bashame Meme! She's probably my favorite of the bunch, she loves to eat and also wants to become a deer, what is there not to love? The second half is just her introduction, and the realization that she is just as insane as the rest of the cast.

AND, A THIRD HALF?? is that even legal? We finally get antics of the whole club together! The conflict made, of course, no sense at all, but seeing that in the end Koshi-tan was the one who made the least sense was just too funny. They also had a throwaway joke about episode 11 being a story of them making ricefield, and I hope they keep that promise it would be too funny to set that up this early.

Of course it was a great time, so go watch it now now now!

Senpai is an Otokonoko (E03)

This one is a show that will probably hit a lot. It's about a guy (Makoto) who prefers to dress as a girl, and likes cute things and such. His mother hates this and so he has to hide it, and only does it at school or outside and stuff. It's also a love triangle, but his two love interests (Aoi, a girl, and Ryuuji, a guy) are so endearing. First of all, they're all friends! And all accept who he his for what he is, and it's so so refreshing, I was expecting a lot of clichée stuff but no, it's geniuenly good! Now for the actual episode :

His mother still makes me extremely infuriated, she overreacted just because she found a pink handkerchief in his room (which isn't even his!) and so made a whole scene about it, to the point of Makoto avoiding to interact with anything girly whatsoever. This, and the flashback we got of him as a kid, where he kept choosing "girly" things, being more quiet and stuff, really hit home. Him trying to abandon all of that also hit closely, as I had (and still have) very similar experiences, albeit for different reasons. It's nice to see a story acknowledge these problems, and that you might go against what you actually want and even start thinking it's wrong if some persons manage to make you wrongfully think that way. His decisions might seem dumb to one watching, but I understand it. If something you want makes your life hell, you might as well try to abandon it, even if that's what you truly feel like. Ugh I could talk more about this but it'd end up being about me, which I don't really wanna~ (do people want my story? i doubt it, but maybe one day)

Often in these stories, the father is the one that doesn't get it and thinks it's stupid, but here, Makoto's father is the understanding one, even finding a school for him where he could go as a girl! I was so glad seeing that, this story really doesn't fall into tropes. I wish I had one like that www. His mother of course is still your typical parents who overreacts to things like this.
The second half was crazy, Makoto, now truly abandoning his dream of being a girl, casually asked Aoi out?? AND SHE REJECTED HIM BECAUSE SHE KNEW IT WASN'T GENIUNE? I'm so glad to see a show like this with ACTUAL characters, any regular bad romance would have just made her accept. She then went on telling Ryuuji that she was SURE that Makoto was lying, even running after a garbage truck when she saw it had Makoto's stuff inside. It was truly great. Makoto then, still came back on the fact that even if it's seen at weird, even if some people don't accept it, it's okay to try and be who you want to be, and still comes back finally as a girl. (With a great opposite of a shot from E01, it was amazing.)

I've been praising this a lot but... I have one gripe with it. This truly grand and magical arc happens in ONE episode, and EPISODE THREE no less. It felt a bit fast coming, and also a bit rushed, for something this important to be tackled this early. At least it will lead into more time for the actual romance, but I think it could at least have been expanded into two episodes.
Either way, this episode made me think a lot about my own experiences, it was very realistic! I can't way to see what happens next, I truly have no idea what it could be now!

Makeine: Too Many Losing Heroines! (E02)

This anime is also a harem, but I decided to check it out as it has the same character designer as The Art Club has a Problem! And Lycoris Recoil, two shows that I REALLY REALLY like. And the first episode left a good impression on me, it looks very great and the humor is on point! The twist of this one is that the main girls are ones that were already in love with someone else, but got dumped or something else went wrong. This gives the writers a lot of opportunity for original stories, I hope they take advantage of that!

We had our first look at the opening this episode, and I LOVE how it sounds and looks. Openings are trying to be more and more unique lately, and I'll all in for it! This anime seems to take tropes and turn them a bit around, it makes it a bit unusual but fun since you don't know what to expect, it's great! (maybe not that great, a very uncomfortable scene played right after i wrote that, it wasnt fun to go through, i sometimes forget that anime like these arent just cool and wholesome) Last episode was mostly focused on Anna, who is my favorite so far, but this one was more about Lemon (that's her actually name what, i thought it was a weird nickname they gave her), I guess next one will be on Komari so that they at least each get a bit of time under the spot light. The protag, Kazuhiko actually helps the girls intead of just trying to be weird or get with them, I think he's just a cool guy. A lot of cool protags this season! Too bad he gets put in very weird situations.

Anna finally came on screen, her dynamic with the protag is very fun, especially with how she tries to scrape off her debt with barely anything and it working. LEMON GOT CUCKED RIGHT IN FRONT OF EVERYONE NOOOOOOOOOO KINDA FUNNY THO BUT NOOO that was absolutely ruthless; this white haired guy is totally clueless its kinda annoying, even saying straight to her he doesnt stand a chance WITH her???? (he said he already has a girlfriend right there, woops, welp, rip Lemon-chan). We also saw more of the protag's sister, she's your typical overprotective scary sister so not much new here.
Anna's calling out Komari's interests towards Koto's childhood friend was very funny, I get her trauma about that lmao (Anna's story is that her own childhood friend went with someone else, and not her)

This anime being about broken one-way relationships (not really relationships since they were not really together, but one way feelings at least) is very interesting. For now, these moments were mostly played for jokes, but I really hope they get a grander meaning in the story, something really emotional could be made out of it. Though it seems to only be a comedy anime for now.. Which isn't bad, the jokes were all very good! I just hope for a little more

Anna got cucked in Episode 1 and Lemon-chan in Episode 2, it's not looking good for Komari and the club president next episode..... wwwwww Sensei is rooting for Lemon-chan to end up with the protag... I hope Anna does but I guess it'd make sense with the anime's theme for the """main""" girl to lose, maybe I'm too basic ww

VTuber Legend: How I Went Viral after Forgetting to Turn Off My Stream (E03)

Not aired yet!

Narenare -Cheer for you!- (E03)

Not aired yet!

Wonderful Precure! (E25)

Not aired yet!

Date: 17/07

Up to now

Today is the day the page goes live! Or is it? I decided on making this my site's main page, like a sort of brand new fresh start, I think it suits well with what I want to go with.

Lately, I've been watching a lot of the seasonal anime. They're all fairly good! Itf's nice to see new things as they come, though when they reference something recent it really hits weird since I'm so used to watching old stuff. It's also sad when you can see something was done only because of how much traction it'd gain only, mostly on the romance side of anime, which is what I started calling "Corporate Romance" wwww.

Last season had a LOT of great ones too! Girls Band Cry and Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night both had the same theme, but took it from two completely different angles, and were extremely interesting for technical and story reasons alike! Blue Archive was, as expected, very great too, a really nice and straightforward adaptation of the game's story. I also watched and read a bunch more things that I won't get into (yet?), but media is one of the only reason as to why I can keep going, from cartoons to novels, I don't think I would be able to go through my struggles if it weren't for these worlds I can plunge myself into. (I even talked about all of this in my highschool finals!... Oh yeah, I graduated! But I don't know if that's a good thing just yet, the future seems so foggy and frightening...)

I've also been helping my good friend Pudding write his web novel Pheonix Club (← Click here to read it!). From drawing to correcting his silly mistakes, it's really been a fun time, I can't wait to see what happens next to these characters!

This update is kind of totally aimless, so I think I'll stop here before I start rambling about other random stuff. As I said, it's been rough, but hopefully running this page will help me even if a tiny bit.

Oh yeah, I didn't even introduce myself!
If you don't know me already, my name is Miya. I'm an unfortunate girl who often gets placed into hard situations, but despite how low I feel sometimes, I keep pulling through even if I feel like giving up. It's not the best choice and it's difficult, but I'll always try my best!

Slacker with good grades, few friends but all very dear to her, who blows all of her money way too fast without thinking about it, and finds it hard to be a good person and accept herself. Yup, that's me!

I want to end things off by a classic, a song. This song is extremely dear to me, as it helped me go through a lot. The lyrics don't really mean anything, but at the same time have a lot of interpretations. I see it as telling you that it's okay to give up on your dreams, that things are hard to accept, and that sometimes, saying goodbye is the right thing to do. But that despite all of it, even if giving up can be a good thing, nothing is stopping you from standing back up, and trying again over and over until you make it!

When I met you, when I met you,
I smiled, cried, became stronger, and felt helpess,
but you granted me as many dreams as I wished.

"After one dream, you will forget it all, and I will be lonely, I will feel sad."
"But that's okay, because someone somewhere else will be wishing for me."

Date: 16/07

My Journey

Today is the day I had the idea of restarting a blog. Third time's the charm isn't it?
I first tried by making weekly updates, just like my good friend Pudding. And big props to him, because I could NOT go through with it, having a deadline and all of that really put at toll on me and so I just gave up. I also tried just updating about everything I would do, like playing a game or read something, but that made everything feel like a chore and so I also had to give up on it.

Life has been really hard lately, with having to come to term and acceptance of a lot of changes and also myself. I'm not quite there yet, but I guess I'll do my best. In the past, I also tried having a private twitter account or even just a diary but those made me just vent even more and it was painful for everyone (my twitter alt even got blocked for it woops, but that was years ago now, time flies way too much)

Right now, I'm still not the best, at all. But I know that I have friends who I care about, and who (hopefully) care about me aswell, so I will do what I can to continue as long as possible.

For this blog, I'll just update about whatever I feel like talking, so it could be anything, be prepared! I guess I just want to leave my mark on the world.

For old times' sake, thanks for reading, goodnight, and stay happy~

(If for some reason, you want to see the old site, click here)